Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What a Week!

Miss Adalynn is one week old today! This has been such a crazy/ amazing/ wonderful week!

My due date was August 9. I knew that I would likely not be having a baby on that day as my doctor had scheduled me for an induction starting on the 11th "just in case". I tried to stay really busy so that I wouldn't be nervous about my induction so on the 10th I went for a walk, went to a movie with my brother John, and got a pedicure with my mom. Nick and I were planning to get one last pregnancy ice-cream from coldstone that evening but I felt too sick to eat. I went to bed feeling sick and Nick offered to take me to the hospital. I said I would take some tylenol and wake him up if I felt any worse. Right as I said that, my water broke!

We were so excited and headed to the hospital shortly after. I was in labor for 14 houirs but after the epidural, it was not bad at all. We stayed in the hospital for only 24 hours and are both doing well.

I am trying very hard to not be one of the moms that is constantly updating facebook with a million pictures. I am definitely taking tons of pictures though, I can't help myself! I will add a few here so only people that are interested will be subjected to my obsession.

Adalynn is healthy, so sweet, and is (so far) sleeping well. Our whole lives have changed in the last few days. Thank you Nick for giving me a precious daughter and being a wonderful husband and daddy. Addy and I are so lucky to be loved by you.


  1. Congratulations Sarah on your baby girl!! Adalynn is so precious! I'm sure that you are an excellent mommy. It's so funny, because I still remember you as my bass clarinet buddy at Reagan, and now you are a mommy. Congratulations once again to you and your new little family.

  2. Wow, she's gorgeous! What a lot of hair! I hope you're all doing really well, and perhaps we'll see you in San Antonio in September for the Coburn's shower.

